Byte Mk II - Installing/recovering firmware with external programmer


  • Additional Laptop/PC to run commands
  • FPC cable
  • CH341A USB programmer
  • Debug board
  • PH0 screwdriver


To begin, place the Byte on a soft protected surface to avoid any possible scratching of the finish.

1. Turn the Byte over so the bottom of the chassis faces upwards towards you.

2. Remove the 4 x long Phillips screws from the backplate in each corner. byte_3.jpg byte_4.jpg

3. Carefully remove the backplate by gently pressing around the DisplayPort/HDMI port to release the PCBA from the chassis.
 byte_5.jpg byte_6.jpg

4. Press the silver clamp attached to the DisplayPort to lift the PCBA carefully above the chassis. You do not need to completely remove the PCBA from the chassis. byte_7.jpg byte_8.jpg

5. Lift the PCBA away just far enough to gain access to the Debug port shown below.

6.Assemble the programmer, Debug board, and FPC cable to resemble the picture below.

7.Connect the free end of the FPC cable attached to the programmer to the debug connector on the PCBA.
Connect CH341A USB to an additional Laptop/PC and open Terminal. The final setup should look like this:

8. To perform the recovery, install flashrom with the following command:

sudo apt install flashrom

10. Download the relevant Firmware file

All firmware can be found on our GitHub Repository. Using the Byte Mk II firmware as an example, browse to the .rom file here, and then click the download button.

11. Finally, run the following command, changing the version number at the end

sudo flashrom -p ch341a_spi -w ~/Downloads/24.04.rom

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